English → Elearning

Update 05 - 2N OS 2.35 + AC 2.3

Duration: 15min / Instant Access / Required for Basic Certification Test
We will show you the new features of the 2N OS 2.35 and 2N Access Commander 2.3.
What will you learn?
2N OS 2.35: Licensing, Bi-directional video (IP Style), Idle mode (IP Style), Display touch sounds (IP Style), Internal 2N network scanner, Onvif update, Secured HTTP trigger (Automation), Away message (Indoor View), Video voicemail (Indoor View), Pinch to zoom (Indoor View), DND by Time Profiles (Answering units)
2N AC 2.3: Access Matrix, Backup and restore in Web GUI, User roles, 15 digits PIN Codes
  • Course details
  • 2N OS 2.35
  • 2N Access Commander 2.3
  • Short Survey
  • Learn more
Completion rules
  • ELEARNING: All units must be completed. WEBINAR: Attend the webinar session to complete the course.