E-learning Certification
Start learning now at your own pace and get the 2N official certificate.
We offer a wide range of learning options to help extend your knowledge of our products and support you with your projects. All the courses are designed for an international audience.
There are subtitles and visual guidances that will help you get through our online interactive courses
and have fun learning. At the end, you can become a 2N Certified Installer.
Basic courses
Required for 2N Certified Installer.
2N Academy Introductio... (1A)
2N Products Introduct... (2A1)
Installation Preparat... (2A2)
Update 13 - 2N OS 2.4... (3A1)
Update 14 - 2N OS 2.4... (3A2)
Update 15 - 2N OS 2.4... (3A3)
Update 16 - 2N OS 2.4... (3A4)
Basic Certification Te... (4A)
Advanced courses
Required for 2N Elite Certified Installer.
Integration Possibili... (6A4)
Advanced Certification... (7A)
2N News
Update 13 - 2N OS 2.4... (3A1)
Update 14 - 2N OS 2.4... (3A2)
Update 15 - 2N OS 2.4... (3A3)
Update 16 - 2N OS 2.4... (3A4)